Creative. Custom. Fun.
Employee Well-being and Engagement
The WellMent Company offers a broad range of products and services from weekly well-being programs and custom designed engagement best practices to surveys and virtual or in-person hosted celebrations and teambuilding.
Our fun, creative and custom weekly video challenges cover a diverse range of topics to match and build upon your company’s culture and values. These videos drive engagement and well-being by encouraging your team to practice Care, Community and Meaning.
The WellMent program works with remote, in-person and hybrid teams. We strive to meet your team where they are and we can deliver the WellMent program via email, web, text, Slack, Yammer or other custom applications you use.
A Word from Our Clients
I love working with The WellMent Company.You could count on starting every Monday with a laugh! Challenges are fun and pushed us to work with other Employee Owners. Such a great program!!
Christina Hudson- PFSbrands
The WellMent Team provides a fun, unique, and customized platform where our employees can engage and learn about each other in our 100% virtual environment. Their service is key in keeping us connected and engaged, which ultimately increases employee retention, job satisfaction, and productivity.
Tianne Tran- Vaniam Group
Your challenges are always so bright and amazing...I love seeing them on Mondays and tracking them on Fridays. It’s like a weekday sandwich.
Emma Sawyer - Jenzabar

Why Engagement and Well-Being Matter
These “programs have often been viewed as a nice extra, not a strategic imperative.”
Leonard Berry, senior fellow at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Connected Workforce
"Our research reveals a strong correlation between a socially connected workforce and many behaviors that promote wellbeing, such as participating in healthy activities, lowering levels of stress and anxiety, and taking positive steps to improve financial situations. " Willis Towers Watson
"Most analyses of workplace wellness programs focus on hard-dollar returns. Often overlooked is the potential to strengthen an organization’s culture and to build employee pride, trust, and commitment." - Harvard Business review
In “programs that focus on a diverse definition of wellness, employees are 81% less likely to look for a new job when the job market improves.” – Gallup